What happens when you
file a complaint?

ReliableSite.org is a company that provides accreditation to businesses to ensure their credibility and reliability to customers. If you feel that a company that is accredited by us is not following our guidance – you can file a complaint. The business will be asked to respond within 14 calendar days.
You will be notified of the business’s response when we receive it (or notified that we received no response).
Complaints are usually closed within 30 days.

To file a complaint, search for the company you wish to contact us about in the search bar below and follow the instructions.

If your complaint meets our complaint acceptance criteria, your complaint will be sent to the business within approximately two business days.

The business will be asked to respond within 14 calendar days.
You will be notified of the business’s response when we receive it (or notified that we received no response).
Complaints are usually closed within 30 days.

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ReliableSite.org is an independent organization that accredits websites based on a set of rigorous standards and guidelines. We aim to promote transparency and trust in online information and reviews. Our accreditation process involves a thorough evaluation of a site's content, accuracy, and compliance with industry regulations. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you for visiting ReliableSite.org.